Food to Control Hair Fall

21, Sep 2019 Archana Batra Blogs
Food to Control Hair Fall

As we become older, many individuals want thick and healthy hair. Several variables affect the growth rate and overall hair health, including the individual's age, general health status, family medical history, exposure to environmental irritants, and drugs and food. Some things, like your age or genes, are beyond your control. However, one thing you have control over is the food you eat.

Here we discuss a few foods that will help in improving hair health.


Eggs include protein and biotin, which strengthen hair. Protein helps develop hair. Its absence has been linked to hair loss. Biotin is a B vitamin found in eggs that helps make keratin, another hair protein. Eggs are a great supplementary food for your hair. 


They're not only good for your eyes but also for your hair. They help in keeping scalp healthy and  nourish the hair from the roots to the tips, making them a good food for hair loss.


They're rich in fiber, iron, zinc, and omega-6 fatty acids. PUFAs are vital for skin and hair health. Eat oats for breakfast a couple of times a week to nourish your hair.


Iron deficiency may cause hair loss, dryness, or discoloration. Prunes are an iron-rich food. You may eat them for breakfast or midday snacks for thicker, stronger hair.

Sweet potatoes

Beta-carotene-rich sweet potatoes promote hair thickness and sebum production just like carrots and help in keeping hair healthy and hydrated.

Dairy (low-fat)

Calcium includes two protein types, whey, and casein, which promote hair development—snack on yogurt or cottage cheese. 

Nuts like walnuts 

Walnuts and almonds may provide protein, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids, which are again important for hair health.


Vitamin E strengthens and grows hair. Avocados are Vitamin E-rich. A medium-sized avocado provides 21% of your recommended vitamin E.

Seeds like Flax and sunflower

Seeds include Vitamin E, zinc, and selenium, which prevent hair loss. An ounce of sunflower seeds provides half your daily Vitamin E. Flaxseeds and chia seeds also contain omega-3s. All these foods prevent hair loss.


Beans like kidney beans and chickpeas are a strong plant-based sources of zinc, iron, biotin, and folate. Beans are a flexible and economical alternative that may be used in Indian, Asian, and Continental cuisines.


Meat's protein and iron are unmatched. Red meat is rich in iron, which helps red blood cells carry oxygen to hair follicles.


Kiwi's Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, boosting hair development and reducing hair loss. Vitamin C is present in almost all citrus fruits.


All these foods are healthy; however, they should be eaten in moderation. To prevent hair loss, avoid hair-loss-causing foods and eat a varied diet. You can contact one of the best dietitian in Delhi i.e  Archana Batra to create a diet plan for you to control hair loss.