Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Adding chia seeds to your diet is an easy way to get more of the nutrients you need. To maintain their freshness, put the seeds in a cold, dry location, such as your cupboard or refrigerator. Afterward, you may use them in various recipes, from smoothies to salads.
1) Rich in nutrients
Given the high concentration of vitamins and minerals, complex carbs, lean protein, and healthy fats in chia seeds, chia may be particularly useful in preventing a lot of health issues like vitamin and mineral deficiencies etc.
2) High in Fiber
New research shows that most people eat too little fiber. Chia seeds include 9.8 g of fiber per ounce. The recommended intake of fiber for Indians is 40 g per day. Including one ounce or 30 g of chia seeds along with other fiber-rich foods is a good way to get enough fiber.
3) Omega-3 Fatty Acids/ Heart-Healthy properties
Chia seeds mostly include unsaturated fat - omega 3 fatty acids. Moderate consumption of this fat reduces cardiovascular disease risk. This fat prevents arrhythmias and blocked arteries too and hence is really important for improving heart health.
4) Calcium-Rich and Protein Rich.
Chia seeds are calcium-rich. One ounce provides 18% of daily calcium needs. Chia seeds are also a good source of protein too.
5) Iron-rich source
Most people need 8-18 mg of iron daily. (If you get heavy periods, you're at the top). One ounce of chia seeds contains more than 2 milligrams of iron.
6) Good source of Electrolytes
Chia seeds' electrolytes help your muscles and heart function properly. The seeds contain 95 milligrams of magnesium per ounce. These foods contain some potassium.
7) Vitamin B6: Improves Metabolism
B vitamins improve metabolic and cardiovascular health. Chia seeds include thiamin, niacin, and riboflavin. One ounce of chia seeds provides 2.5 mg of niacin.
8) Helps in weight loss
Chia seeds help decrease calorie consumption in numerous ways. High fiber and protein content help manage blood sugar and maintain appetite and energy levels.
How to consume?
Chia seeds should be consumed after soaking them in water at least for 4 hours. This forms a gel like substance which can then be added to number of foods.
Mixing them with liquids makes the liquids more satiating.
Because chia seeds are mildly flavored, adding them to meals won't change their taste. The seeds may be a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber for persons with sensitive tastes who have trouble eating enough fish and vegetables.
P.S - Best Dietitian in Delhi for weightloss also recommends to include Chia seeds in your diet to lose weight.
Note :- This water and chia gel can be stored in the refrigerator and can be used for 4 days.