Weight Loss Diet Program
Do you want to lose weight? Are you confused about which diet is suitable for you? Struggling to lose weight with associated medical ailments
Excess weight has been linked to a range of health issues including type2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, etc. Did you know - that losing just 10 percent of the body weight can have so many benefits like improving blood cholesterol levels and reducing blood pressure.
Losing weight was never been so easier for all of us. Therefore, one must consult the best dietician in Delhi for weight loss.
One Diet Doesn’t Fit for ALL!
Everyone is unique and the diet needs to be unique too. At Archana Batra’s Diet Clinic, Dr. Archana Batra - the best dietician for weight loss makes sure that you get the best diet suitable just for you. Our diet plans are highly customized as per the requirements of the clients.
Our Weight Loss Diet Plans are:-
Based upon the Body composition Analysis (fat and muscle percentage; BMI etc).
Based upon the lifestyle of the client.
Planned keeping in mind detailed medical history and associated medical ailments if any.
Includes your favorite foods and cheat meals too.
Focuses on overall well-being.
Includes Real and natural foods only & is Easy to follow.
We also specialize in crafting specific weight reduction plans like the ketogenic diet, Intermittent fasting diet & Detox Diet Plans if in case it is needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How much weight can I expect to lose in a month?
Answer- The weight loss depends upon the number of factors. Current weight, Age, metabolism, associated diseases- like thyroid issues, PCOD, etc to name a few. It also depends upon the number of weight-loss trials that one has made, before joining the diet program. So, if someone is trying to lose weight for the first time and is under the obese category ( as per the BMI standards) and also doesn’t suffer from any associated medical issue – he/ she can expect to lose at least 4 kilos in the first month.
2. Will this weight loss be sustainable?
Answer- Yes, we make sure the diet that we prescribe isn’t very restrictive and also takes care of your preferences while planning the same. So, mostly this weight loss doesn’t come back. Not only this, since we do not prescribe any fancy foods or special foods etc to lose weight, and it's always through the readily available food in your kitchen..the chances of the lost weight to come back again are almost negligible.
3. What kind of approach do we follow to lose weight?
Answer - We do not promote/favor any particular approach- like mono plans or low calorie or high protein, etc. The approach is decided upon the detailed diet history, lifestyle, preferences, etc and also we choose it based upon our clinical observations and experience. We make sure whichever approach we follow, our client should lose weight in a healthy and happy manner.
4. Do we prescribe diets that are trending these days like KETOGENIC OR INTERMITTENT FASTING DIET to name a few?
Answer- Again, as we said the approach for each and every individual is different. So, we prescribe these plans in two conditions: - Firstly, if the client specifically asks for these. Secondly, if we think that these are important to give as a surprising diet to the body if in case the weight got struck. But definitely, these diets aren’t prescribed by us for longer durations since there is a lack of research in these areas.
5. How important is exercise with this diet plan?
Answer- Yes, it's true that exercise plays a 30 percent role in weight loss and the majority 70 percent is diet. But, taking care of this 30 percent can speed up the weight loss. Cardiovascular/Cardio exercises are normally advised for weight loss and strengthening exercises helps in toning the muscle. We will definitely guide you – when to start exercises and which exercise, to begin with.